
Soul Ties

Soul Ties. What comes to mind when you think of those two words?

I think of two people who have an extremely deep connection... possibly two people who are in love. Soul ties sounds like a positive thing.

Nowadays, it seems as though having a soul tie with someone is far from positive. It carries with it bondage, pain, broken hearts, addictions, and never ceasing cycles.

I know because I've had them.

My most recent one was with the last guy I dated. I met him New Year's Day. And with that chance meeting, (that later I found out not to be chance at all), brought a year full of experiences: tears, pain, and the exit of the LAST piece of innocence that I had left.

When we sleep with someone, whether we realize it or not, we are creating soul ties. Why do you think sex is something that God intends for married people only?? It's powerful! And I truly believe that it is Satan's new ploy against us. We are killing each other and ourselves over false love brought upon by these soul ties that we've created with people.

I met him, started talking on the phone. We dated, he grew on me, I on him. We began to have sex. And it was all she wrote. To make a long story short, we ended up going in and out of the relationship. He was confused, had a lot of baggage, had a lot of demons too. I was falling, wanted him to want me, became depressed, eating habits changed, etc.

This relationsip eventually ran me to the altar. And now I am the closest to God than I've ever been. That's why I say that the chance encounter wasn't really a chance encounter.

Even though God has delivered me from the whole situation, I find myself listening to my flesh. Sometimes I look at my phone and want to dial. Sometimes I want to email. But I don't. What good could come from it? Absolutely none. I've done all I could.

A really good friend of mine just had a breakthrough about a man that she has been chasing after for almost 5 years. They've never been in an actual relationship. However, they've been sleeping together, spending weekends together, etc. for all of this time. He treats her like crap. He wont commit to her. She has caught him SERVERAL times with other women. She even found out that he has a "mini relationship" with an arch enemy of hers. But through all of this, she "loves him."

She told me once that she just wished that he would see how great she is- how much they have in common- how much she loves him.

The devil is a liar. This is bondage. We get so wrapped up in trying to win the acceptance of men that we loose ourselves. Why worry about winning the heart of a man who cares nothing about you? Why worry about how he feels about you when he is out doing anything with a big butt and hips?

All of the worrying leads to depression. You're depressed because you can't figure out why he doesn't want to be in a relationship with you. This leads to low self esteem. You then find other ways to make yourself feel good. Some drink. Some smoke. Some even go as far as suicide.

Do you see the cycle? It's bondage. It's a ploy of the devil. And I know because I've been there. Let's just say that I have been through all of the above and more....

My plea, my cry, my prayer is that if you are in this situation, get down on your knees and cry out to the Lord. You CAN'T get out of it alone. You will end up going back. It's a never ending cycle. And if you do get out without Jesus, believe that you will end up in the same situation with someone else. The devil knows no new tricks. You gotta be ready. You gotta be prayed up and armed.

I know some people don't believe in God. And I feel sorry for you. I really do. Because I have gone through this situation twice. The first time, I just eventually got over it- after two years. But the next man that I dated ended up putting me through the exact same thing. And I cried out to God to help me. There is a huge difference in the outcome.

With the first, I dreamed about him EVERY SINGLE NIGHT for an entire year. I kid you not. The devil was NOT going to let me go that easy. I went as far as to move out of the state to get over the situation. But I was still haunted in my dreams.

With the second, I let go, let God. I now use my experiences to help others because I can. I'm over it. It's done. I do miss him. I do think about him. But I now know that God has much more in store for me. I understand who I am in Christ. I understand my value. I understand the promises that God has made to me. And that is what keeps me going without looking back.

And it was "all she wrote." =)

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