
Surgery (Repost)

I open my eyes and I'm laying on an operating table. The bright white from the lamp blinds me as I try to look around to see where I am. I look to my right and see a man standing in full scrub gear with knife in hand, ready to cut on me.

I immediately tense up and try to run. But something is holding me down.

"This is what you wanted, isn't it?"

Yeah, it's what I wanted. But no one told me it would hurt like this.

"I tried to protect you. I offered you plenty of anesthesia. But every time the opportunity to take it was given, you ignored it. You chose pain instead."

Tears begin to run down my face. I lay there in my puddle of tears realizing that there is no other way to go through this. I've been given plenty of chances. Now, I just have to trust.

"You're going to have pain. But the sufferings that you feel now will not be comparable to the joy that you will have when I'm done with you."

I cry even more. I cry at the fact that my purpose of rejecting the anesthesia was to keep me from this inevitable pain that I'm still going to end up experiencing. There is no need to think back. There is no sense of dwelling. What is done is done.

"Look at Me. Look forward and focus on Me......."

I look up. But things begin to become unclear.... I can't control it. The tears continue to flow. Just before I loose consciousness, I hear the words again,

"Look forward and focus on Me...."

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Sophia Molen said...

aaah why did you needed surgery? Im working on the operation rooms so I found it interesting!

HisDaughter83 said...

It's a metaphor for the work that God is doing in my life. :)

Don said...

Profound. Intense. Actually had me holding my breath while reading.

HisDaughter83 said...

Thanks love. It's one of my favs. And its exactly how I've been feeling.

Chari said...

Niiiiccceeeee!! :)



Dee O. said...

This is amazing! Wow, I find myself feeing this way so much, and interestingly enough my pastor preached a bit on this today. We have no problem doing what God says when it's easy or comfortable, but when it comes to the point where God is calling us to something but it involves pain or having to give something/someone up, we get upset. But the blessing is in the pain of the process! The fact that we allow God to take our lives and have his was with them is a blessing within itself because at the end of the day, like you said, the joy that we experience is incomparable to the pain we face on the way there. So even when we find ourselves alone and scared on the operating room table of life, we must be still and remember God is always right next to us holding our hand :)


Dee O. said...


Sorry, I got excited about this and I was typing fast lol

HisDaughter83 said...

@ Dee O: LOl! It's okay! I understand!

You are SOOOO right, though. God is ALWAYS there. He'll never leave. He only wants the best for us.