
Obedience is Better

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3
I'm not going to bore you with drawn out details. But I will say this, when God speaks, listen to Him and TRUST Him. A lot of times, the command that God gives you doesn't make since. In my situation, it made no sense. I listened to God the first time. Then, the second time, I gave in and went with what I wanted. I was warned numerous times, but chose to ignore it. But you know what? Because I've decided to trust Him, I have a peace that really surpasses understanding. It's crazy. And I'm so thankful because He could've easily chosen not to be here with me through this situation. I thank God that He is faithful and not like man. I clearly didn't listen to him when He told me through my spiritual leaders and His own Word to keep moving. Even still, after dismissing Him and choosing to go with my "feelings", He has shown me that He is in control and that He is involved. He is even involved in the INTRICATE details of the matter. That blows my mind.
How can someone be so loving and faithful? :) It makes me smile.
Trust God today with WHATEVER it is that you are going through. He will NEVER steer you wrong. Keep your eyes on Him. Keep your focus on Him.
The enemy is crafty and will do what he can to lure you away from the command and the promise that God has given to you. This is why you must remain in prayer and remain connected to God.
The energy that you put into being in-tune with that person that you are in love with is the same way that we need to strive to remain connected to God. This world is against us. Every minute, there are visual baits that lure and tempt us. If you're not connected spiritually, you'll fall into the temptation to negate what the Lord has shown you. Before you know it, you've gone left field, your spiritual life is a mess, and you're wondering what went wrong.
Obedience. It's better than sacrifice. I did my own thing, and in it I was unhappy and spiritually drowning.
I've tried and tested the scripture, 1 Samuel 15:22. Now, I can truly and honestly say that God is faithful. His ways are not are ways. His thoughts are higher than ours.
Trust Him. =)


Hard Shell w/ Soft center said...
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K. Rock said...

Words of encouragement.

Dee O. said...

AMEN AMEN AMEN!!! You ain't lying girl lol. I struggle with this and I have been so full of doubt lately and when you have all this negativity floating around in your brain you forget about the person who WANTS to bear your burdens and your cares and who wants to hold you when you're weak and pick you up when you fall. I mean, I know I do at least. I find myself so caught up in stress and worry and trying to solve all my problems all by myself and God is always there with me...He's probably laughing at me too because while I'm here running around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to be superwoman He is there waiting for me to ask for His help and to just TRUST in him and know that I will be okay! Whenever I stop and I sit still and I just pray and give everything I have up to God, I instantly feel better! It is that simple, just knowing that there is someone else there who wants the best for you and who never wants to leave you.
