
2007. Self Love. I Love It.

It's been a hot minute since I've updated this here thingy. I've been so busy. I finally have a second to sit and write. And its literally a second. I have to be in DC by 6:30 and its 4:56.
It's 2007! Woo yeah! Thank you Jesus! I made it through 2006. I usually go through this whole thing where I look back on the past year and reflect on the craziness. But I'm not doing that this year. 2006 is over. The past is the past and I've finally learned to leave it there. I think 2006 was my year to grow. (look, I'm doing exactly what I said I wouldn't do....) But seriously. I have done a lot of growing up. And I know that 2007 is the year for me to shine, as adult Tasha. I'm getting my life together so that I can do me and only depend on God and myself. I don't have any resolutions, but I want to have my own everything by the fall of this year.

I'm so happy with myself right now. I don't mean physically or anything superficial like that. I mean within myself. I'm at a place where I am enjoying me. I haven't done that in forever. I don't think I've ever done that. I've always crowded my mind with men and the needs of others. I'm so happy being Natasha. I'm happy that I can wake up without heart ache. I'm happy that I can go to sleep at night without thinking about if someone else was thinking of me, or what they are doing and who they're with. I'm so happy with not worrying about anyone else's feelings but mine. Vivian Green said it best-"You may think I'm selfish, sorry but I can't help it. Gotta do this for me. Please don't beg and plead." And its the truth. I've never tried being selfish, but I think I like it. And there is nothing wrong with that. I'm just loving living my life for me and only me. I gotta get myself together and that is what this year is all about. Then, maybe, I'll find time for the "one". (laughs out loud at the notion of "the one")...

Well, I guess I'll cut this short. I gotta run.

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