Kramer Calls Us Niggers.... but he's not racist.... And OJ is Psycho
In keeping with men doing dumb-ass things: The dude who played Kramer on Seinfeld, Michael Richards, apparently got mad during a stand up show because two guys were talking during his skit and began to scream out racial slurs. He called them niggers and then went on to say that 50 years ago, we would have had you f**** bent over with a fork up your ass...."
WTF?!? There is ABSOLUTELY NO justification for what was said by him. Those men could have gotten up and began to sing the damn theme from the Titanic in the middle of his act. That gives him no right to disrespect those men and the rest of us the way he did.
Watch the clip:
He then later apologizes and says that he was just mad that they were talking. He said he got frustrated and that he is not a racist. That's some bullshit. If it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, then it must be a duck. If you're not racist, why would words like that come out of your mouth just because you got frustrated?? Hell, ask them to leave. Jank on them like other comedians do. But you don't go and say some shit like that.
And as I stated previously, being dumb does not discriminate. OJ Simpson's dumb ass wrote a book called "If I Did It". WTF?!??!?! You got off for the murder of the mother of your children. That ish happened 12 years ago. Why would you write a book called, "If I Did It, Here's How It Happened". Are you serious?????? I wish I could sit him down and interview him. Cuz I just really don't understand. That is some sick shit. Why even think of something like that. And screw publicity stunt. Thats is just sick and psycho. Dumb MuthaFcuker......
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