
You Blowin it B!

OK. I love B. Who doesn't? Well, I just love the fact that she is trying to break out of that goody-goody image. The songs on her album talk about things that you wouldn't expect to hear come from her. She went from catering to him to throwing the 'kitty kat' around like its a piece of candy.

However, is she taking a bit too far? Now, I am a firm believer in living your life to the fullest without giving a damn about what everyone else thinks of you. HOWEVER, her career is built around her image and of what we see of her. She is making comments about how she makes black music and sings how she talks. What does that mean? Hopefully someone miscontstrued her words. Because quietly, I don't want to be thought of like that when one of her records is played. Some of that stuff sounds plain stupid to be honest. Not all black people WANT to be hood. And not all black people go around talking about their sex lives and how he don't want it no more or how he can't put it down. So please, don't refer to your music as 'black' music. PLEASE!!!!

And yes! The drunk pictures. Lawd Have Mercy.... LOL! I laughed so HARD when I saw them. I think I laughed so hard because they reminded me of my friends. We know how to party and there have plenty of times when we've left the house leaning. HOWEVER, we are not STARS! And our careers don't depend on what statement was made, what dress we wore, or how drunk we got at a party. Wow B. You slipping.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like B is having a Paris Hilton/Tara Reid/Lindsey Lohan moment. I guess black celebrities can conceal it better.
