It's 10:00 in the morning- on a Saturday. My siblings woke me at freaking 8:30!! I love being home, seeing the family and all, but dang!!!! I wake up at the crack of dawn Monday-Friday. Can a girl sleep until at least 9 on the weekend? Anywho......
Have I ever mentioned how much I love Shoulder Lean?!? That song makes me so happy! And don't let me be driving and it come on the radio! It is SO OVER!!!!!! I wake up the entire neighborhood. I'm a hoodlum...."I can shoulder lean, I’ on know how to dance tho....." LOL! LUV IT!
I'm about to go back to the place that I call home in less than a week. I am SUPER excited. I feel like I've been gone for 10 years! Its gonna be so surreal. And its also gonna be sad cuz I'm going to have to leave everyone all over again. It may hurt worse the second time. I'm supposed to be making CDs and stuff. Different stuff. I gotta make a 2001 CD cuz that’s when we all came in. I'm afraid to start that one. You know that overwhelming feeling of nostalgia that you get when you hear a song that reminds you of the good times? That’s how I feel. I wonder what the weather is like down there.....
It's so BEAUTIFUL outside up here. Fall is my favorite time of the year. It's nice and cool. Just cool enough to snuggle up with someone, but not freezing. The sky has this overcast look and the leaves on the trees are starting to turn red, brown, and orange. I love it. It makes me feel warm inside.
If you know me, then you know that I DESPISE John Legend!!! ARRGGHH!!! He does this thing with his lips when he takes pictures. It's so gay. And then his lyrical content. Does he think that he is God's gift to woman? And yes, I meant woman. However, being the music whore that I am, I must commend his work on an artistic level. The dude has talent. He's got it. But the woman in me doesn't like him. Well, one morning I was making coffee, getting ready for work, and I was watching VH1 Soul. I see this dude lying in the bed caressing this dark woman. Then the music started. It's ol' John Legend. I listened. And I liked. The video was weird. The women kept changing. One minute she was black, the next white, then Asian... it was weird. But the song sparked my interest and I think I'm gonna check out his next album... or at least download it. ;)
This is on a totally different tangent.... We've all heard the stories about women (and men) who've been hurt or been in crazy relationships and as a result they block out the rest of the world. I never thought that I was this way. But lately, I've been experiencing the darndest thing! For some reason, men want to open up to me and tell me all this stuff, when I haven't given them ANY indication that I want them to or that I WANT to even hear it! I find myself feeling nauseous or getting uneasy when a man starts to open up or tell me something that he hasn't told others. It doesn't even have to be romantic or about the two of us. I just get real uneasy. I don't know if that is a result of some thing or some situation that I went through in the past. I dunno. But it’s weird. I get like a dude! Show one sign of emotion and I want to end the conversation...
Man, all of that was random as hell, huh?
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