
Unknown Caller. Cussed out the Boss.

Just got off work. Blah. I did the most embarrassing thing today. I went to the back and ran into another employee. He could tell I was bothered, so he asked me what was wrong. I replied by telling him EXACTLY what was wrong, using cuss words and all. I referred to my boss as "that woman" and went slap off. I look up and she walks around the corner. I just turned around and walked out. I was angry, embarrassed, and frustrated all in one. I'm just glad to be home. I'm tired. And I miss my friends......

Homecoming weekend was last weekend. And I kept getting this random unknown phone call. I thought it was one of my friends who I gave my number to. But I figured he would've just left a voice mail telling me it was him. I was getting out the shower and I heard my phone ring. I ran to get it and saw that it was the unknown caller. I got to the phone. Pushed the talk button, and then dropped it on the ground like a dumb ass!!!! The freaking phone came a part!!!!! And that was the last I heard from the unknown caller. I was so mad!!!!! Now I'll never know who it was......

I have a headache... I'm through for now

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